
China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628 - Money grows on tree.

Recently I saw China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628 sold for $18000.!!

Do you think China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628  really sold for this amount or just FALSE bid ( in order to increase price).?

Do you think China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628 is GENUINE or FORGERY ?

I saw lot of FORGERY of China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628 selling under $10.!

So do you think this is also FORGERY selling as GENUINE ?

In past I saw Gandhi 10 Rupees SERVICE stamps (BOGUS, which never exist) selling for $225000+.!! Click following link to read about it.

Following is FORGERY China PRC 1962 stamps - Mei Lanfang S/S sheet 628 which is selling for $11.!! ( $55 for 5).

Can you see any difference between above $18000 stamp vs $11.

So what are all this following transaction  which are selling similar stamp for very high price which looks like MONEY GROWS ON TREE.!!!

So be careful what you buy for your collection?

Do you really think this stamps are very valuable and it deserve $18000 or $8000 or $5000 or $2600 or $1000 or $100 or $60 or $11.!!


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